Mia Borgia

Digital Portfolio

Past Course Projects

Animation and Film

Created using After Effects, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro

Created using After Effects & Premiere Pro

Created using Illustrator, After Effects, and Premiere Pro

Created using After Effects

Created using Premiere Pro

Created with Premiere Pro

Web Development and Data Analysis

Blues Analysis Project

This venture in text markup and analysis took an impressive collection of 1,088 blues song lyrics from the legends of the genre and used various text analysis software programs to produce fascinating data and infographics, which give viewers a glimpse into just how vast, versatile, and far-reaching the blues has been historically and will continue to be.

The Ballot and Me Text Encoding Project

This project created a web-readable view of an originally PDF-only source of Langston Hughes's remarkable play The Ballot and Me, and uses a variety of markup languages and XPath functions to identify and keep track of the historical figures whom represent the characters of this monumental play, and highlights the importance of each of their parts reflected both in the play and in real life today.

Three.JS Internship Blog

Developed using Node.js and a nifty npm package called Three.JS, which made it possible to create a 3D environment from scratch using just vanilla Javascript, HTML, and CSS. This blog documented my first few months working as a Software Development Intern at Larson Texts, Inc.

Ancient Mayans Digitized Project

This was a project I led in 2021 which took on the callenge of collecting data on the ancient Mayans, organizing it into mappable structures, conducting data analysis using scripts such as XQuery, 3D modeling ancient Mayan artifacts, & developing an immersive and interactive web interface for users to explore.

3D Rendering

Photogrammetry model of an ancient Mayan stone carving of Pawahtun - Meshroom & Blender

Photogrammetry model of a carved monkey femur from the ancient Maya - Meshroom & Blender

"Blender Blue Earth" - Created using Blender

"The Aquarium in your Dreams" - Created using Blender and Meshroom


"The Basics of Git Branching" tutorial written for 100-level DIGIT students.

" SVG Animation Walkthrough" tutorial written for 100-level DIGIT students.

Data Visualizations

Data Visualization of Median Earnings by Education Level and Sex - created using Tableau