
Mia's personal repo

This project is maintained by am0eba-byte

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My Digital Projects (so far)

Adobe Softwares

Adobe Illustrator, After Effects, and Premiere Pro - “What Really Happens on the Night Shift”

My first venture in AE rotoscoping and using AE’s paintbrush tool

Produced for Art 168 Digital Medium in Fall 2020

Description This was a ton of fun to make. I was allowed a lot of creative freedom on this one, so I really tried to take that freedom and run with it. I implemented a lot of AE camera-motion and layer masking to get this to flow - this is actually a combined collective of many separate compositions, and the sound effects were done entirely in Premiere. I wanted to try new things while also showcase what I’ve learned thus far in my studies of the digital medium.

Premiere Pro

My very first (and very obviously beginner-quality) Adobe Premiere Pro digital short film project:

Produced for ART 168 Digital Medium in Fall 2020 semester

Description: As an introduction to the vast and magical functions that Adobe Premiere Pro gives to filmmakers, this project was meant to display the basics of cinematic grammar, video formatting, basic effects, clip transitions, audio importing and editing, and other displays of basic film editing. This digital short depicts a little look into what I see every day living in a small town in the U.S. of A.

Photoshop and After Effects

My first animation of a still-image using Adobe Photoshop & After Effects

Produced for Art 168 Digital Medium in Fall 2020

Description: This was a beginner introduction project to the wondrous flexibility and manipulative effects of Adobe After Effects, with Photoshop used as an asset preparing tool. This project aims to display the basic tools and variety of awesome functions of photo editing and manipulation. I animated the Dali elephants myself using After Effect’s puppet pin tool, and the other still assets (The video of the flamingo walking, the images of Mars and Jupiter, and Dali’s Swan) were manipulated using other distortion and color effects. The moving jellyfish graphic was implimented using After Effect’s CC Particle Systems II tool, and the background image of the beach is a photo I took on my only vacation to South Carolina’s gorgeous Fripp Island in 2015. I sliced that photo into manipulatable foreground/middle ground/background layers which I imported into After Effects. That trip to Fripp was a surreal experience for me, in part because it was the one and only time I spent a prolonged period outside of Pennsylavnia, and also because it occurred in a strange time in my life - I used this image not only because it is high-quality, but because it invokes nostalgia of the dream-like state I was in while I was there. I wanted to amplify that feeling within this image with characters one of the most dream-like artists I know of, aside from M.C. Escher - Salvador Dali.

Adobe Illustrator and After Effects - “Sandy Fantasy”

My first 360 VR animated vector illustration

Produced for Art 168 Digital Medium in Fall 2020

Description: This is a beginner intro project to the new and evolving VR project workflow. I used Adobe Illustrator to draw the basic still vector graphics, and After Effects to animate the vector assets and convert the 2D view into a monoscopic immersive VR world.


A little project on the life of Jack Parsons, using Google Sheets and TimeMapper.

Produced for DIGIT 100 Intro to Digital Humanities in Fall 2020.

Other Websites

Here is my other WebFolio on Wordpress