Ancient Mayans Digitized

eleven gods

3D Models of Temples and Artifacts

Welcome to our humble 3D Mayan Experience! Give the page a moment to load before you go click-crazy on the buttons - we're three.js 3D Javascript newbies. (:

This page contains all of the models created by the Ancient Mayans Digitized project team! The white buttons between "prev" "next" will display our homemade models.

The Pawahtun Stone Head and the Hero Twins Monkey Femur models were created using photogrammetry scanning and processing - a method of 3D modeling which uses hundreds of photos of an object from all angles and processes them into a 3D model.

All of these models were finalized and/or modeled in Blender.

The "prev" and "next" buttons will take you to photogrammetry models from 3D creators on Sketchfab who have generously shared their photogrammetry models with the Internets for all the world to enjoy.

If you're curious to see how we created this viewer, check out our super-cool three.js javascript code on Github.

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