
Mia's personal repo

This project is maintained by am0eba-byte

Mia’s Digital Git-Portfolio

Salutations! Welcome to the humble home page of my personal website.

A little about me:

I am currently a Digital Media, Arts, and Technology major at Penn State. Although I am relatively new to film production and photoshop software, capturing images and video and transforming them into art is one of my passions.

Recently, I have become familar with Adobe Premiere, oXygen.XML, GitHub,, and general web development. Each day I strive to learn as much as humanly possible about these and other coding and digital art production software so that I may express my other passions through the ever-expanding and far-reaching digital medium someday.

Some of my other passions include protecting the environment, writing, film, Kurt Vonnegut, and music. Although I don’t have as much experience in current digital technologies as most students in my major, I’m an avid learner – I almost never pass up the opportunity to expand my knowledge.

One day, I hope to make contributions in some artistic or creative form to environmental organizations, or work for a media outlet that broadcasts informational/educational videos for the public, something like the Youtube channel TED-ED, or National Geographic.

–Mia Borgia

Some photos that capture a little bit of what I’m all about:

This is my child, his name is Mort

This is my child, his name is Mort

Bella by Lake This is my other child, her name is Bella


My favorite painting - Dream Caused by the flight of a Bee a second before Waking, Dali

Chandler by Ice My hunny gazing at the sky in thin ice

Twiddlin Strings

Me twiddlin on strings with Bella acting nonchalant

Tuesdays with the Ocean Reading Mitch Albom in South Carolina

Beautiful Verdant Boi A beautiful verdant glory I captured